Eelkristliku arusaamaga sõbrad¶
Reede, 5. mai 2023
Kaks sõpra vastasid ühele lõigule, mida ma kirjutasin kümme päeva tagasi:
Need, kes lahkuvad kirikust või mõistavad selle hukka, mõistavad hukka vaid eelkristlik kiriku ettekujutus. Seda ettekujutust mõistan ka mina hukka. Nii, et tegelikult oleme nõus. Evangeelium vajab „ainult“ parema ja selgema häält, mis ei räägi rumalusi ja mis kõnetab kõiki inimesi, kaasa arvatud neid, kes loevad [teist pühakirja] kui mina. Jah, ma usun jätkuvalt „ühte“, „püha“, „katoliku“ ja „apostliku“ kirikusse. Aga kas roomakatoliku kirik need omadusi täidab, seda ma julgen kahtlustada. (Veel kuu aega kauem, parandused minu poolt)
Sõber 1 vastas: I got some things in mind and would like to know if you yourself understand what it means to be reborn again from water and the Spirit. I want to give you an overview. In this multi-dimensional existence… to be reborn with the water, it means being [baptized], word which in the greek New Testament is written as BAPTIZO, which means literally to be FULLY IMMERSED into the water with your WHOLE BODY. And it MUST BE DONE in the name of JESUS! (Because it is the Highest Name in Heaven and all over the Earth). (…) If you read about catholicism history outside of catholicism itself, you will understand that they are not real Reborn christians. (…) The whole World is deceived by the Enemy from the start of the Garden of Eden. Enemy is very active and very sneaky. (…) Also Heaven and Hell are Very Real places…so is Eternal Lake of Fire with Brimstone where Hell was thrown later on. (…) I hope that helps you to understand that you need to seek and research about the truthful truth out of many lies and deceptions in this Babylon World System. (…) Please use your time wisely and keep away from the first phase mark of the Beast (lucifer) which are covid-19 „vaccines“ and covid-19 „tests“. If already done… then please keep far away from the rest of them because they are biological weapons against whole humanity. There is Great Deception going on. (First apocalypse rider Antichrist Barack Obama and Corona [crown] is out). False prophet, lamb with horns who speaks like a dragon Jorge Mario Bergoglio called white „pope“ is the one, who is pushing the one world religion and helps Antichrist Barack Obama on his road. (Someone of reborn christians wrote that white pope will ban Holy Bibles later on). Also you need to be reborn of the (Holy) Spirit. That means to get Holy Spirit into your LITERAL heart. (…) Please seek Lord Jesus Christ everyday through serious authentic prayer life and Holy Bible Scriptures.
Ma vastasin: Ma muidugi pole üldse nõus Sinu mõtete tulemustega ja ma oletan, et Sa seda ka teadsid enne. Ja just sellepärast ongi hea, kui me suhtleme. Aitäh, et kirjutasid! Oleme üles kasvanud väga erinevates koolides. Kui ma kirjutasin, et kahtlustan, „kas roomakatoliku kirik need omadusi täidab“, siis ma oleksin vist pidanud mainima, et õigeusklikel ja protestantlikel kirikutel pole lootustgi neid täita. Ma arvan seda programmeerija-analüütikuna. Protestandid k.a. vabakogudused asendasid rooma paavsti paberist paavsti vastu. Selline institutsioon ei saa kunagi töötada maailma mastabil ega kuulutada evangeeliumit „kõikidele rahvastele“. Sinu mõtekäikudes näen piiblifetišismi. Jumal on „see, kes on“. Vaata tegelikkusele näkku. Kuula oma südant. Otsi Jumalat otse elu kaudu. Pühakiri on sellel otsingul tööriist, aga ei asenda tegelikkust.
Sõber 2 kirjutas: Paar head pilti inimeste veenmiseks: Hell is not a joke. Hell is so real, and Jesus is the only one who can save you from going there! If you reject Christ, you are literally rejecting your only way to Heaven! Someday the King will return. He won’t need to be elected, there will be no debates. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Ma vastasin: Aitäh jagamast! Need on selged ähvardused. See on variserlik ([eelkristlik]) arusaam piiblist. Nad pole head. Ma ei levita neid. They act against the rule that the NAME of God is holy. OTOH i deeply feel with the author who afaics wanted to express his worriedness for humanity